So this week was actually really nice, one of my favorite friends; Amanda Hess, came into town for the rest of the summer and I spent the week showing her around and doing activities with her. We had a blast catching up and realizing her little Taryn and Autumn have a lot of the same character traits. It has been fun, she has also encouraged me to start potty training Autumn which turns out to have been pretty successful; Yes, she has had accidents, but to my surprise she was much more ready than I gave her credit for. Three cheers for Autumn and the Potty!!! However, this week hasn't been all joy. I did have one very unhappy moment late one night. I was so tired and just wanted the girls to go to bed so I put them in there room hoping they would sleep. To my complete horror they not only did not go to bed, but found crayons and decided to make a mural out of the wall. I went upstairs 30 min. Later to find a magical array of what Autumn described as "crowns??" Why does this always happen in the summer time???
So after all this, we did have a really wonderful Father's Day. Jon wanted to drive out to Stillwater where the St. Croix River divides MN and WI. We had a wonderful picnic and walked around the quaint logging town. It reminded me of a small main street Park City only with the river which adds a lot. I enjoyed mostly just being with Jon and our family, but was happy we could tour MN a little more. Hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day as well and enjoy the pics.