Ok, so the post title has nothing to do with the BYU rivalry going on this Saturday. If anything it is a tribute to the "Twilight" movie coming out on Friday. I died my hair red??? I've been wanting to try it for a really long time; I finally did and now I am trying to decide if I like it. So here is a picture.
I do have to write about a cool experience which testified that things don't happen by coincidence and that the Lord really does have a hand in our lives. First of all we took the 3 little rascal girls back up to there mom and dad in Montana. We absolutely loved having them and the drive went considerably well. It just took 12 hours with all the stops. We helped Wendy settle in a little bit and enjoyed spending time with brand new Austin and seeing them. Then Jon was absolutely ecstatic when Bret offered the big screen t.v. to him. So he had to find a way to get it in the Durango. With a little disassemble they finally got the hatch to close. YEAH!!! Thanks Wendy and Bret and also thank you for the great example you are to us.
On Sunday we ended up driving home through WY instead of ID so that Jon could visit his home town of CODY. We drove past his old house and the mail box still has there name on it; I heard a ton of stories about road rashes, fishing, camping, hiking, friends, and the George Dairy Farm. Then we went to the church and although it was already over when I walked in to go to the out-house ;) A nice young man asked if I was looking for something. So when I walked out I told Jon that someone he might know was in there. We all went back in to find Adam George. His best friend from the Dairy Farm was the nice young man. Jon and Him caught up and then they invited us over for dinner. It was a wonderful Sunday meal and so kind for them to invite us in on such short notice. Thank you Heavenly Father for letting them stay after church for no reason at all so we could meet up with them.
Hope you all have a great week. Rah-Rah rah,rah,rah GO C OOOOOOUUUUUUUUU GARS!!!!!!
I like it and think it looks great on you!! Have fun at the movie...;) LA
I think your hair looks so cute! I really like it! I'm excited for the movie too, I got the tickets already! Hope you enjoy the movie!
WOW! Big change! From the picture I really like it. I'm sure that will definately take some getting used to, but, it looks good.
Love the hair! You definitely pull it off! I'm super pumped for the movie too. I've had my tickets for a week and can hardly wait for tomorrow.
I will have to come check it out. What is with the christmas tree?? :) You are way to excited! My rule is the day after thanksgiving. No sooner!
This explains so much! I saw Jon walking home carrying one of your girls and I couldn't tell who the dark-haired woman was walking with him holding your other girl. :) (By the way--GO UTES!!)
Love your hair! have you seen the movie yet? are you guys coming to the family xmas party on the 13? We can see you then. and one more thing...........GO UTES!!!!!!! UTES UTES UTES UTES UTES UTES UTES!
I love the hair red! But I am a a little biased when it comes to red heads :) Your brave for trying something new, i have been wanting to go dark for years.
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