This week we returned to New York life. Jon is still working hard and the girls and I took a few days to recover from our trip. Later in the week we went downtown with my good friend Shannon. She was so nice to watch Makenna and Autumn in Central Park while I had the opportunity to attend a New York ballet class from a place called "Steps on Broadway" It was quite the experience all the teachers have performed on prestigious companies and I was a little nervous having not taken classes in a while, but it was incredibly fun and I loved every minute. Afterwards we took the subway down to little Italy where we ate dinner. The subway made the kids a little nervous, but Shannon was a great help:)
Sundays are always are favorite because Jon is home all day and let me tell you the girls get away with murder. For example today they finger painted Daddy Style and then Makenna found some scissors Jon left out and cut a piece of her hair. I caught her mid cut and screamed and Jon just laughed.
Lastly, I finally finished the Bella Edward Saga for those of you who know the
Twillight Series. I loved the books.
Jon is happy to have his family back, those are his own words and we are happy to be reunited with him. Life is always better when families are together.
How awesome to take a ballet class it NYC. I love ballet and would love to be able to take a class again!
Glad you are all together again too!
in, not it NYC:)
John and I were in Morgan the other day and thinking about how we would have loved to stop by, if you guys were home.. well soon enough I guess we can. Ok Breaking Dawn.. (moment of silence) LOVED IT!!! I know what you mean it totally took over my life to, I didnt eat or sleep till I finished that thing! Well I'm glad I have another Twilight buddy so when you get home we can talk about it!
You are always doing such fun things in New York!! That is awesome that you were able to take the ballet class, I bet you were awesome!
Love the fingerpainting too, thats the only way to do it!
Hey gorgeous! I haven't checked in lately as my computer wasn't up and running... I loved catching up with the Cottle family! I LOVE your house and I really enjoy reading about your NY adventures! The girls are so adorable and I can't believe how big they've gotten! The cabin is beautiful!!! I would love if my family had a cabin to go visit... that will be so great for y'all! We'll definitely have to play when we're in Utah in April. Aren't you coming through Texas soon? Let me know!!
Hey gorgeous! I haven't checked in lately as my computer wasn't up and running... I loved catching up with the Cottle family! I LOVE your house and I really enjoy reading about your NY adventures! The girls are so adorable and I can't believe how big they've gotten! The cabin is beautiful!!! I would love if my family had a cabin to go visit... that will be so great for y'all! We'll definitely have to play when we're in Utah in April. Aren't you coming through Texas soon? Let me know!!
Um... I don't know why that posted twice. :)
I didn't know you danced? That is so cool! I bet you're way good at it! Where did you guys eat in Little Italy? We ate at Paesanos (I don't know how it is spelled) but it was so good! I was just thinking the same thing, the summer has flown by. Just 2 and 1/2 weeks left, crazy! But we go to Utah quite often, all of Ty's family lives there and my brother and his wife live there, so maybe sometime we'll have to stop by and say hi! But I would love to babysit your girls anytime. They are absolutely adorable!
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